5 more Books for kids aged between 6 and 10, as kids begin to start to read as they start school, by age 10 they might be far more confident, but in this age bracket before the teenage years…what books are good to look at? This time we look at 5 more books in this age bracket.… View Post

5 more Books for kids aged between 11 and 16

5 more Books for kids aged between 11 and 16

5 more Books for kids aged between 11 and 16, with high school starting and those teenage years arriving the reading ability increases, much like their tastes etc their choice of books could change drastically over this time. But what are some big Books that are good for this age bracket? let’s take a look at some more that could make someone’s book shelf on reading tablet.… View Post

Board Games | 10 For Pro’s

Board Games | 10 For Pro’s

Board games have been around for a long time and they come in very different styles and abilities, however, there are a group of games designed for those more professional players, those that are much more into this type of Board game, so what are these Board games? we take a look… View Post

What To Do With Your Kids’ Forgotten Toys

What To Do With Your Kids’ Forgotten Toys

What To Do With Your Kids’ Forgotten Toys, Kids outgrow their toys all the time. They also ask for new toys and games and never play them, even if they promise they will before you buy them! As a result, you end up with toys all over the floor, LEGO pieces that are painful to step on, and Barbie dolls that end up face down in the mud outside. When you think about it, that’s a lot of money going to waste! … View Post

5 more Books for Teens

5 more Books for Teens

5 more Books for Teens, As kids head into those dreaded Teenage years! what books and stories might interest them? with so many choices but also looking for something to keep those Teens interested in, it’s difficult to find those Titles that might cover their changing interests, so let’s explore more books and stories out there to enjoy.… View Post

Lego 10308 | Holiday Main Street

Lego 10308 | Holiday Main Street

Lego 10308 Holiday Main Streat is part of Lego’s Winter Village collection and focuses back in the winter village itself, it contains 1514 pieces and features 2 buildings, scenery, a Tram and 6 Minifigures. It’s RRP is £89.99.… View Post

Board Games for the whole Family

Board Games for the whole Family

Board games can be a great activity for the whole family, with younger or older kids, aswell as parents gran parents, or just any family members around for that time. Over the years several Board games have come out, and they are still popular now for families to play, but what are some good ones?… View Post

Lego 76389 | Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets

Lego 76389 | Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets

Lego 76389, Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets is a set based on the book and film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, it has 1176 pieces and features 11 Minifigures. The set focuses on the parts of the film including the Basilisk, several rooms, and of course the chamber, it’s RRP is £129.99… View Post

5 Books for kids aged between 11 and 16

5 Books for kids aged between 11 and 16

5 Books for kids aged between 11 and 16, with high school starting and those teenage years arriving the reading ability increases, much like their tastes etc their choice of books could change drastically over this time. But what are some big Books that are good for this age bracket? let’s take a look.… View Post

13 Board Games for Kids

13 Board Games for Kids

Board games for kids, over the years many toys and activities have come and gone, but board games have stayed around, they have stayed close to all our hearts but kids have always enjoyed them. They have changed many times, updated versions, and different brands, some have stayed around seemingly since the beginning of it all, but why? what ones are still good now? let’s explore.… View Post

5 Books for school age kids (ages 5-8)

5 Books for school age kids (ages 5-8)

Take a look at these book suggestions for school age kids aged between 5-8 years, as kids begin to start to read as they start school. By age 8 they might be far more confident, but in this age bracket before the tween years… what books are good to look at? well, let’s take a look at some stories.… View Post