Diary From a Dad, I look at what happened in our family life as each month goes by, with School, Work, outings, and general family life many challenges face us, but how do we get through the month and what happens? Summer Time! it was the end of the school year and we were heading off for a short break.

Table of Contents
End of the School Year
Finally, we were at the end of the school year, a quiet year in the grand scheme of things, over the years we had exams, a new school start, and school transfers, but how the kids fell this year was not a lot ultimately happened with it all a bit normal and quiet, which is not a bad thing at all. Roo spent a week of work experience with Boo, learning about digital content, deadlines, websites etc… all related to her business studies course.

The big thing for the month was our trip away, we planned it to literally be the Friday they finished, hoping to make a jump start on the school holidays, we managed to get a good price at Butlins Skegness, utilising the tiny gap between end of this school year to start of summer holiday prices, but this was a place that the kids haven’t been. Boo and I visited over 20 years ago, when they were perhaps not a their finest, and with the kids enjoying both Bognor and Minehead, it was a chance to visit.
I’ll go into more detail about the place when I do a review on the blog, it was interesting to see the layout and the feel of it compared to the others, for us it’s the closest of them all even though the single carriageways at the end are a little annoying it’s a relatively smooth trip. If you haven’t been it runs parallel to the beach so it’s like a long rectangle, if you’re on one end it can take a while to get to the other. It was busy but I wouldn’t say it was rammed, we felt comfortable and even though every show or event was busy we could still find seats and navigate smoothly.

Ultimately the shows and swimming pool is the big thing for the kids etc, the shows were good and really gave us a chance to relax and enjoy ourselves, we can manage food and activities with ease while generally there’s something for everyone. The bad thing for us due to overrun maintenance of their main swimming pool, which meant we were limited to use and while inside only the kid pool, rapids and slides were open.
The Other part of our week away saw us visit Scotland, we stayed around the corner from this site last summer and had the opportunity to visit the Loch Tay Area again, even though the weather was a little bit up and down it was nice for it not to be 30+ degrees and be a comfortable temperature etc. We had the opportunity to do a couple of activities including Axe throwing and driving a boat on the loch, we also managed to explore a bit more of the area including an interesting visit to the local Craggon Museum.

Next Month
Next month is full-on Summer holidays, it’s going to be hot with little days out planned while in the back of our minds…back to school!