I’m a dad of three and husband to Boo Roo and Tigger Too, this is first and foremost in my life. After spending a few years supporting Boo in her blog and attending many events and family life situations, she challenged to have my opinion and thoughts. It’s the same with the kids, she would say “what did dad say?” when speaking to them thus my name was born What The Dad Said, it’s me talking about family life, my opinion on what we are doing and sharing my interests and thoughts in them. Below are some brief points but I no doubt will expand on them one day.

Table of Contents
My three kids are wonderful yet challenging, Piglet is 3 years old and is a troublemaker in a nice way ( i think), she plays me and can do no wrong, I admit that

Tigger is a special boy, we as a family are surrounded by girls and at times it’s us against the world, He has several mannerisms similar to my own and I understand that can be frustrating, but he is so loving and we are best friends. We have

Roo is my princess, I’m proud of everything she does, for many years she is my favourite person in the world, she’s smart, outgoing and always busy, she has to world at her feet. Being a teenager now her attitude and antics are changing, and that’s been difficult for both her and myself to adjust to, she still spends the time to come and give me a hug and I try to do activities with her still, but she is getting older and wanting to be with her friends more.

When we go on our adventures, she’s having less interest in them but the best thing she will always do? photography, not only will she pose (and has nailed it every time), but she is now beginning to want to take more pictures.
Boo is my world, she does everything for us and juggles so much. We have been together for more that half our lives and can’t be without each other. She wouldn’t be a fan saying too much so kept this but short lol.

I’m a fan of sports, Liverpool is my team (I know), I love Lego and is generally my hobby these days. Watching films at cinemas or in my home cinema set up is the thing I could do at any time. I grew up in the gaming generation so I am a gamer, and with my friends dotted all over the world the best way to keep up to date for me.

I’m pretty easy going and a relaxed guy, especially as I’ve got older, family would get annoyed as I tend to be in the middle and looking for the more relaxed outcome, That adds issues as I’m not taking anyone’s side and in house largely filled with Women?, it can be very difficult. For work, I have been in Retail management for nearly 20 years. Through good and bad, but it’s taught me a lot.
Just a brief glimpse into My world didn’t even mention my car, garden, restaurants or favourite locations… Oh well another day