Best Christmas Gifts For Expecting Mothers

Best Christmas Gifts For Expecting Mothers, The holiday season or a baby shower are a great excuse to get the best Christmas gifts for the expecting mom. Need a gift for an expectant mom? Try these fun present ideas for pregnant women.

Shopping for baby gifts for new parents is fun for people who love babies, but not everyone knows what is the perfect gift for a pregnant woman or what she might need or want. The perfect Christmas gifts for expecting parents can be useful, or just fun and cute, but make sure to buy high-quality holiday gifts, rather than following a trend.

Fuzzibunz & Bummis Diapers

Even for a mother-to-be who doesn’t plan to exclusively use cloth diapers, a good supply of soft cotton cloth nappies and diaper covers is a thoughtful gift. Cloth diapers are an environmentally friendly alternative to disposables and are great at preventing diaper rash. Need help with brands and ideas?

Diapers – A favourite gift

Diapers are a trendy new type of diaper known as a ìhybrid These diapers are made of flushable material, which makes them more environmentally friendly than traditional disposables, but without the need for handling waste that can be involved with using cloth diapers. gDiapers also claims that wet diapers are biodegradable enough to be used in a compost pile.


Gifts any Expectant Moms Will Appreciate

Baby showers are a way for expecting mothers to get together with friends, have a good time, and receive new things for the baby. This is also a time, to pamper the mom-to-be. Many women may not know what to get for the baby or mom-to-be. Some may want some unique ideas besides the normal items given at a baby shower. Whatever you may be looking for, here is a small list of the best gifts and some other great ideas of what to give at a baby shower.

Miscellaneous Gifts

Journals for recording the months of pregnancy with a digital camera to add pictures are nice pregnancy gift for an expectant mother. She can jot down her feelings and things that she experiences during the pregnancy especially if she is a first time mom. Make a gift basket with maternity comforts. During the last month of pregnancy, she will be anxious about the birth. Include body lotion, beauty products and self-care products, bath salts, essential oils, a small pregnancy pillow for the back, soothing music on a CD or a white noise machine, and her favorite chocolate for right after the birth when she will be hungry.

First-time mothers will need a good bit of baby items for their new arrival. Some great gift ideas are: a pack of onesies, baby bottles, washcloths, baby towels, baby lotion, etc. Arrange all these items in a basket. Decorate the inside with shredded tissue paper. Wrap the basket with see-through plastic wrap. Close it with a big bow on top. This is a cute and creative way to give a baby shower gift that you created yourself.

A Check For The Mother

Another sentimental gift for the pregnant wife, that does not include baby essentials, is a check for the mother to open up a bank account for her unborn child. Have family, friends, and co-workers get together and donate between $5 and $10. Once you have gathered the money up, have a check written out to the baby in the care of the mother. Take the mom to be out for a lunch date with family and friends. Present her with the check in a card. This will be a nice start for the expecting mama to save for her baby’s future. She can begin adding to this every time the child receives money.

A Day At The Spa

Another great idea is more for expectant mothers. Moms during this time can be emotional and stressed out. Preparing for a new baby can be hard and really take its toll on the body. Amongst other things, many women notice that their skin changes. For some, this can be a good thing but, for others, pregnancy can usher in stretch marks, rashes, and even acne. Therefore, a day at somewhere that offers treatments like facial services in Lacey Township, NJ will be very much appreciated. Also during this time mothers become uncomfortable the further along they get in their pregnancy. Their feet tend to swell and they begin having backaches. Get together with close friends and treat the mom-to-be to a day at the spa.

A nice pedicure and foot massage will help ease the swelling in her feet. Pampering her with a back massage will help take away the pain in her lower back. This will also help her to relax and feel renewed and energized. With the mom relaxed it will also help the baby relax in the womb.

Make A Scrapbook Of The Mother To Be

Another cute gift idea would be to make a scrapbook of the mother-to-be. Start with baby pictures of the mom-to-be. Have the pictures arranged in chronological order from birth up until her pregnancy, ultrasounds, etc? Leave some blank pages in the back to be filled in with new pictures during labor and after the baby has arrived. This will give the new mom a way to reflect back on her life and remember her pregnancy.

Useful Information

First-time moms always welcome books and magazines with useful information about parenting and raising babies. Parenting books for each stage of growth, magazines about parenting, and books about breastfeeding, colic, teething, and ear infections will help moms when the baby arrives.


Although a newly expecting mother may not be motivated to exercise, after the baby is born, she may want to spend some time outdoors getting some exercise. Jogging strollers are one way for her to get outdoors and jog along with the baby. Whether she prefers to walk at a fast pace or jog, she can appreciate a way to get outside with the baby and get some exercise. She can stop worrying about how to lose that extra baby weight.

Gift Certificates

Although there are baby showers and family special gifts for the baby, gift certificates at retail stores that have baby items and things for Mom will give her a reason to shop. She can buy things that she wants for herself or she may want to start buying things for the baby, which she knows that no one is going to give her. It is also a way for her to get out of the house and see all the pretty things that stores have for moms and babies.

Mom-to-be Basket

A mom-to-be basket can be as inexpensive or elaborate as you choose to make it. Create a gift basket filled with items that she can use to pamper and indulge herself before the baby comes along. Pillar candles, organic bubble baths, a cozy robe, and massage oil will help her to relax and keep her skin nourished. Make your basket personal to the expectant mom. If she has an unusual craving for a particular food or candy, you may wish to include this in your basket, too.

Dining Out

A pregnant woman can begin to feel a little left out from her friends if they are still partying at clubs or bars. Arrange for a few of her closest friends to visit a restaurant together for a special meal that they can all enjoy. Not only will it make her feel special, but she will also feel more socially included by having the opportunity to spend quality time with her closest friends. Alternatively, purchase a gift certificate for a restaurant so that she and her partner can dine out when the mood strikes.

Humorous Books

If your friend has more baby-name books than she could ever possibly need, find her a fun alternative to keep her entertained before the baby arrives. Purchase a book such as “Diary of a Mad Mom-to-Be” by Laura Wolf or “The Pregnant Woman’s Comfort Book” by Jennifer Louden. Rather than detailing the foods, she should be eating or the process of labor, these books will offer a little light relief.


There are so many ideas for giving gifts to a mom and her unborn baby. Be creative but stick to the things you know the mom will like. This is a wonderful time for a new mom, so don’t forget about her, and leave her out. New moms love to be thought of during their time of pregnancy.

New mothers need pampering and support. Before the baby is born, mothers are excited, but their bodies are going through a change and it can be stressful. This is a list of best gifts that can relax expecting mothers before the birth and there are gifts for the new mother that will help her after the baby is born.


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