Star Wars | What’s The Best Era?

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Star Wars is one of the biggest franchises in the world and have been around for over 40 years, its lifespan covers films, Tv, Games, and even today is hugely popular on Disney Plus. But there’s one big question, at the time of writing there 3 distinct eras in Star Wars, but all these years later which is the best?

Which is the best Star Wars era?

We love Star Wars

Star Wars in our family are well-loved, especially for me and Tigger, but star wars have been around for so many years. when I was young it was just the original trilogy, maybe a weird cartoon series, and the odd holiday special in America, but let’s be honest generally, it was just the original trilogy and for whatever reason for nearly 20 years it kind of stay that way.

Which is the best Star Wars era?

There were some books written with more in-depth stories with some of the characters that were licensed, however, that was a little bit on the underground for some. This debate of which era is better is based on the era, not what year they came out just in case you were unsure.

The First Trilogy

But the first trilogy was huge, it set it all off, for many it’s standard and nothing has come even close, and even now the graphics still hold up to a certain level. The acting was fine but the story was excellent, one of the better stories and more recognisable stories of film history, Let alone the characters, you could argue that all-star Wars characters still come from this era, there all inspired in some way.

For many years you would have this debate on which is the better star wars film of the three, and actually, even now in everyone’s top 3, there’s probably at least one from this era if not two.

Which is the best Star Wars era?

Even modern-day as the Star Wars franchise is branching off, Rogue One for me is arguably one of the best star wars films, it bridges the gap between 3 and 4, but it’s in the era of the original trilogy. The story again was excellent and was shot in a similar mindset as the originals, holding true to the story and characters.

But even if you just focus on the original films for that era, there is so much love for the films and characters, the amount of pop culture merch or references in TV and films is amazing, no other star wars have had as much..yet.

The Latest Trilogy

The latest trilogy era 7, 8 & 9 I know is immediately going to get squashed on, I know…the trilogy films are disjointed. Let’s be a little honest to start off with, it came in as an almost impossible standard to go up to, following on from the original story it was tough but so many characters and stories had an arc, and were expected to be around.

They hadn’t set it far enough in the future to reset, or so far in the past to start a new and eventually lead-in. The minute they were touching those characters people had a judgment, but on the flip to all of this, they had so much lore to carry through and could take it further.

Which is the best Star Wars era?

But with this said having a different director in the middle, and seemingly different ideas and then rejoining on the third, for most left it all disjointed, 7 started well in my opinion, it set the base work for the trilogy though it was very similar to 4 in many ideas and ways, that’s not really a bad thing. But 8 sets if off the rails. With 9 they tried to recover it and actually, it’s not a bad film, but I think people just didn’t care, whether this trilogy will regain life and love after some time has gone past remains to be seen.

However, there is the Mandalorian , now let’s be honest 6 with the second Death Star ending, you could argue that ends that era, Both Boba Fett and Mandalorian are set after these events, it bridges the time so I get some will feel it’s around the middle era, and as time goes on if they define the last era more (or forget about it) then this will change, but let’s not underplay the new generation of star wars series, these are excellent and shows what is possible in the Star Wars story universe.

Which is the best Star Wars era?

The Prequel Trilogy

Now the prequel trilogy in its original launch suffered much of the same problem that 7 had, you were compared with the original trilogy all of the time, the characters, story, whatever. The first one was slated, and for many, it still has some issues, but with time the love of it has grown a little, as had the second one.

It was also fine as a film and introduce new characters and stories, but it did something else, it launched the Star Wars clone wars animated series, and Rebels in the future, it almost introduced a whole new universe within the universe.

Which is the best Star Wars era?

It did what StarWars needed to do, it needed to come away from just the same 5 characters that we’re linking to the 4,5,6 films, they were still there and the third film tied that arc all up, and for me the third film is one of the best but that’s largely because unlike the others the 1st and 2nd film were all leading to this, just one long story that didn’t really end until the third.

But the separate clone wars arc spawned many characters that are still used in today’s series and films, for many they are great. They were able to do a different story, not just a look at a skywalker’s story and the death star, you were able to explore more planets and lore within the universe. You still have that in the film of course and it would be referenced in the clone wars series but the film brought around how Darth Vader was born.


We could go into even more detail but this would go on forever and I’m sure there are people that have other popular films, stories, characters etc from any of the eras. I truly hope they expand the 7, 8 & 9 era but it’s last for me in the era, there are new characters’ stories that can be expanded, and they’re a whole 30-year gap to explore before the first order.

Mandalorian is beginning to fill that hole and we may see a lot more in this time gap but for now, it’s last. But who finishes top? for many I get it… you would choose the original trilogy era, and actually, they are still the best three films? but that’s not the question here, it’s the Era, and even with the quality of the film for me, that Prequel era is better.

Which is the best Star Wars era?

Film to film of course they are not as good, but id argue the clone wars series is as good of stories as any other Star Wars. I highly rate Mandalorian and that will be some of the best TV for Star Wars. Rogue One is more 4, 5 & 6 than the first trilogy and this would tip the balance perhaps to that era, but it’s up to you where you draw the line.

But for me?

But for me, I love the original films that’s Tigger’s favourite, but the Era is the clone wars, it tells the main storyline, and as time has gone it aged well and become more loved, but the universe it helped create that’s not flowing into the future star wars projects cant be knocked.

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