As kids go through the years, there interests change many times, and some stay with them for years if not ever. With Tigger, he has a few that has stayed with him, but one of them that has become his favourite is Batman, this seemingly dark hero has followed him through several years of TV, Games, Toys and films, but why has this become so important to him, and why him?

Table of Contents
For me I’ve followed Batman for years, through the Michael Keaton years all the way to the modern era, I’ve always been a fan of him, the Original Adam West show was fine and I watched them when I was little, and I’ve even read the odd Batman Comic, being a movie fan though I’ve found enjoyment in all this. I’m Tigger’s Dad, I get it, I influence his life and can influence his Pop culture love, so its no surprise that he does.
Batman, It Began with Lego
I think it began with the Lego-based items for Tigger, the Lego movie film and the games saw him grow far more attached to the character of Batman, it was clear that it was his favourite coming out of the film, this added further when the Lego Batman film came out, these two films were fine, especially the LEgo movies which was Awesome.

This lead to a selection of Posters, toys and games enter the house, in which Tigger used and played, He has a variety of Lego Batman toys and enjoys the games, I’m optimistic that he will really like the older Batman video games, he’s still not quite old enough but I know he will.

Some films
This year without films night I thought it was time he watched the Dark Knight trilogy, for me I don’t think he will get the ones before these, and arguably these films are the best examples of Batman, though this is ever-changing, being 12 rated his almost old enough but he’s a sensible boy and understands things, needless to say, he liked them. We then moved onto the newer DCU with Man of Steel for Superman and then introducing the newer Batman in Justice League and Batman vs Superman, but with there new openness to multiple dimensions, (essentially like the Comics with different stories), we yet another new Batman coming.

The Future
I’m hoping this will stay with him, and it’s great that we all have interests that we love, for him, I’m pleased its Batman, I enjoy batman and have done for many years, I like the dark anti-hero ESC type personar, and I could do another whole post about my opinions on the character, the films and what’s good and bad etc, however for Tigger he likes darkness side of it, the mystery, the 9 pack from Lego batman, he thinks he’s cool and much better than most, and who can argue it’s his choice, I hope he keeps this passion for pop culture going as he is a little bit of a geek, which I’m more than happy with.