Prepare For Later Life Now By Starting These Tasks, Want to make life easier for you and the people around you as you get older? There are certain important tasks that could be worth carrying out now. Don’t wait until you’re almost there to start these tasks as it could be too late. Below are a few examples of ways in which you can prepare for later life now. … View Post

Budget Man Cave Ideas

Budget Man Cave Ideas

Budget Man Cave Ideas, When you and your wife are having trouble getting along or are having to do things on the computer at the same time, it’s important and a great idea to discuss creating a small man cave for him to relax. This awesome man cave can have a comfortable couch and be decorated with man cave decor like a home theatre and entertainment centre with surround sound, a man cave bar, a foosball table, and a coffee table.… View Post

5 Home TV Brands

5 Home TV Brands

5 Home TV Brands, in the UK there are several TV brands that can fill your home with the latest TV Tech, all offering different sizes, Resolutions, Features and quality, but what brands read the way? let’s take a look at 5 of them and a brief history of who they are.… View Post

Diary From A Dad | April 24

Diary From A Dad | April 24

Diary From a Dad, I look at what happened in our family life as each month goes by, with School, Work, outings, and general family life many challenges face us, but how do we get through the month and what happens? We head onto April, with Easter in full swing as the month turned and school holidays for the kids which included a month of some outings.… View Post

Landscaping Ideas for Large Backyards

Landscaping Ideas for Large Backyards

Landscaping Ideas for Large Backyards, A large backyard offers many benefits. One of those benefits is that it provides the room to take on landscaping possibilities that only a large backyard can afford. Landscaping options for a backyard include everything from specific theme decor to free-form landscaping using a variety of natural or man-made elements to give your backyard a personality that will stand out in your neighbourhood.… View Post

4 Skills That Could Transform Your Success And Power

4 Skills That Could Transform Your Success And Power

4 Skills That Could Transform Your Success And Power, When many men think of learning new skills, they usually believe it’s to help with their career. And while that’s usually the case, there are plenty of chills that could change your life. They wouldn’t just help with your career, but everything else, too.… View Post

Small Backyard Birthday Party Ideas

Small Backyard Birthday Party Ideas

Small Backyard Birthday Party Ideas, The old-fashioned backyard birthday party seems to have gone the way of the punch card computers. That is to say that it doesn’t seem to be a very popular option these days. However, in my opinion, it is a much-overlooked option and can be the best party your child ever had!… View Post

What is this Gaming Genre? | RTS

What is this Gaming Genre? | RTS

Within Gaming there are genre’s much like films,TV, Books etc..and over the years they have grown as games themselves have grown and got better, these include FPS, RTS, RPG, MMO, Tactical shooter, SIM, Turn base Sim, among others. This time we focus on RTS, the Real real-time strategy Genre in which is one of the oldest Genre’s in Gaming and even though a mainstay on PC gaming, has ventured on Consoles…sometimes, but in modern days its become a specialist game as its popularity has decreased, but why? what about its history? let’s look.… View Post

Diary From A Dad | March 2024

Diary From A Dad | March 2024

Diary From a Dad, I look at what happened in our family life as each month goes by, with School, Work, outings, and general family life many challenges face us, but how do we get through the month and what happens? It was March, Easter was around the corner and a couple of things were planned for the month, including the long-awaited trip to see Peter Key.… View Post