Diary From a Dad, I look at what happened in our family life as each month goes by, with School, Work, outings, and general family life many challenges face us, but how do we get through the month and what happens? We head onto April, with Easter in full swing as the month turned and school holidays for the kids which included a month of some outings.
Table of Contents
Boo’s end of job
Boo’s secondary job is for the NHS, for nearly 20 years on and off she has worked for them in different Admin and clerical roles, but within these roles and down the NHS ladder there are many services within NHS that has contracts for these services etc…unfortunately Boos current employer losses the renewal contract. This happens from time to time. as different services win and lose contrast all the time but for the staff this can be frustrating and can effect their jobs.
With Boo and her admin team, this meant that the new company taking over the contract didn’t need admin, as they already had a service in Liverpool with Admin that they were using, which meant she would be losing her job. This isn’t the end of the world but a little kick in the teeth as she had been a massive part of keeping that service going in the background, especially through the pandemic and coming out of it.
Easter was here! and if I’m honest this year felt the first year where we didn’t really go over the top, and it felt like the kids were getting to that age where it’s easter…but it’s not a big deal. Even Piglet was approaching that age where wasn’t that fussed about the whole experience,, we got the kids an ester egg and some small presents etc.. something I’ve explained before that we do as their birthdays are close to Xnas, which means that go through most of the ear with nothing.
With the weather improving some more outings are planned, this month saw some more cinema trips all around, and the girls doing some shopping trips. i was able to get into the garden more, this house has many more trees etc so we are doing mild editing of the garden.
For Tigger and I a trip to Silverstone was an unusual day out for us, we won some tickets from the Sky VIP app, something that I didn’t really ever do but Boo has been telling me to enter it as many people don’t ever remember, so why not… and winning proved her point. The weather wasn’t great but as we had never been it was still a great chance to visit,
Mini Break
During the Easter holidays, we had a chance to have a mini weekend break, Boo’s work allowed us to stay at Whitemead forest park at Parkened near the Wales and English border, it’s a woodland park with space for caravans, lodges etc.. with outdoor activities, a swimming pool etc.. this was a good little break and to be honest, we all love to doing these little breaks. In many ways, we possibly prefer these over going abroad as we love out creature comforts and British style. For the kids, a swimming pool opportunity is always appreciated.
Next month on the diary
May was fast approaching, at the end of the month it would be another half term but with Roo’s exams and normal school, not a lot was planned so far.