As each month goes by my Diary from a Dad look at what’s happening with our little family, through all the adventures, challenges and obstacles that come to our lives. As a family of 5, with 3 children at different ages every day, week and month can offer something different. It was February! the shortest month and in reality a month that often gets forgotten about, January is all about change or moaning etc.. march is often waste or the start of spring, February is just there.

Table of Contents
Month of Love
But February did bring a couple of things, other than storms…Valentines for many is a big deal, and for Boo and I? well not really, with money tight and limited child care over the years we put more effort into a wedding anniversary. It’s not that we don’t really do anything but for several years we don’t buy presents, cards and had no chance of heading out for the evening, however this year we managed to escape for a couple of hours for food and a film.
The month also saw half tern, the first of the year and it’s always a weird one, as a parent you know this. A lot of things are closed, some are opening up for the first time with maybe new paint jobs or slight improvements, some places have limited things open wth in this park etc.

Let alone the weather, which can be often unpredictable and ultimately you know you’re going to be rained on at some point. We had a few things planned, first part of the week saw some jobs and chill out days, alongside a couple of cinema trips out with the kids.
A day out
The second half of the week was a planned combination of a few events organised, day 1 started with Legoland, something we always love to do being big Lego fans along with the enjoyment of the park. However after a drive, a night in the hotel the threat of the storms caused a problem, and as we woke the next day more and more things were being cancelled or closed, so we took the decision to head home and rearrange for another time, which is a shame.
With the kids, they were back and forth to school and Boo and I at work, the month felt like a lot more of normality, with Covid restrictions almost gone and announcements that almost everything will end in the next couple of months, optimism was on the horizon.

For my blog I was getting back into the rhythm, travel, restaurant, Lego and all sorts of posts were on the horizon as I get back to that normality, this year should be all about growing the blog and I’m making those steps, I’m acting more like those hundreds of blogs that are more serious and professional, don’t get me wrong, I’m still largely doing it for the enjoyment and putting my own little spin or and opinions as a dad, but a little more serious focus is need at times lol.
As we look to next month, the sad news of Russia invading Ukrain is heavy on our minds, hopefully, when I’m writing the monthly diary next time I can look back at hope it’s over soon.