Last year in March I decided to do a Lockdown Diary, these were weekly but with the return to a bit more normality, kids back to school everything starting to open, I moved it to Monthly, and with us heading out of Lockdown each month was continuing through our journeys. We were now in August 2021 it’s Summertime! School holidays are here and the kids are off but how were we going to get on?

Table of Contents
Summer Time of August 2021
In reality, we were going to have a much more laid-back summer, with very little planned and organized and everything still not quite back to normal, Roo still on crutches and generally low on money it was going to be a much more reserved summer break.
Normally we try to plan and combine multiple things over holidays, whether it Half term, Easter or summer holidays, it can make them be pretty hectic but we try to do things for the kids that we never experienced when we were young, and with Boo’s work and our money invested in the kids we tend to do quite alot, over the years holidays can be long busy and stressful and not a holiday at all, we tend to not go abroad due to money and with the exception of the odd place in the world as a family we aren’t that fussed.
When you factor in a cost for 5 people abroad etc and relocate towards stuff that our kids would like we can get far more out of it, but as we said this year it’s all still abit tight as we try to recover from the last 18 months etc.

Finally a Result
However we finally have some development on Roo and her Knee, we finally managed to get a result from the MRI nearly 8 weeks later, luckily no tears or bad damage on the knee of ligaments, this meant we can now start recovery in physio, due to this long wait we were paused and couldn’t do much in case we damaged it further.
The flip to this is her knee has become stiff, hamstring and shortened and Quad muscles are weaker, so she now has to physio to recover but what we have explained to her several times is that it could have been worse, broken on tear damage would have been a much longer recovery.

I had some time off at the end of the month which is actually my second week off from work in 10 months, Boo had a week earlier in the month but it was just nice to have some time off with the kids even though it was mainly at home and doing small outings.
We were able to venture out a little, a couple of cinema trips for us allowed us to feel back to normal and cinema was one of my favourite things to do, even the kids find it one of the best things. We had a trip out to Cambridge and say in the Hilton hotel, I’ve been to Cambridge many times for work but it was nice to visit to just simply look around the city etc.

Some Visits
We managed to Visit Wroxham Barns which is another place we had been to before but we hadn’t visited it long a while so it made a refreshing change, Roo didn’t come as she was abit old now but it gave her a little alone time at home without us all there lol, but the others had fun.
Near the end of the month, Boo managed to combine some Great Yarmouth Activities into one day, we had lived in Yarmouth for many years but it was nice to come away and visit it as a tourist, the day was a nice family day out, we visited the Seafront, saw the circus, visit the sealife which used to be a regular thing for us, had some food in a different place, and then spent the evening at the Plesurebeach, which for us and the kids was something weirdly we had never done even though we lived there for years, I hadn’t been on there since a young boy.
There may not be long left in the summer holidays but it’s definitely been a close family summer holiday compared to ones in the past.