Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 6

Our weekly review of what’s been happening in Lockdown for us, its a diary so in months and years to come we can look back and what we were doing and whats our thoughts, The family is Lockdown with Boo only able to venture out for a small amount of the time, where I’m a keyworker, dealing with the public and venturing out there.

That Time already…

I can’t believe it the end of week 6! as we are heading towards 2 months and thinking back that we have essentially lost March and April, May will be more of the same but at least the weather keeps getting better, even if we are limited in what we can do.

This week we began to put plans into motion with the garden and the house, I trimmed the bushes that have died, its odd but in our long stretch that circles around the house there are a couple of strips that have died, which makes no sense to why it happened last summer but not any other time of the year, I’ve stripped them back and begun to fertilise in an effort to save them, but I’m not optimistic, hopefully, this will work but there’s not a great deal of information about it, also the new addition to the garden has been confirmed for this weeks delivery.

Gaming Changes

In the house I’ve decided to change one of the rooms to a gaming room, this generally held my stuff and the Lego, but I’ve decided to reduce down on the displays of Lego , have some in storage and sell some that I’m really not that fussed about, its a tough choice but we as a family are generally gamers.

Every family is different and enjoy different things, they have different priorities, none of them is wrong etc so with us we like to game, the kids are getting older now and getting to that point where we can play together, let alone that rare time when Boo and I get to game together,

I’ve got a plan in mind and will take the rest of the year to spot bargains to fill the desks etc of equipment, hopefully, the sale of some Lego will fund the additional items we need, its is a big step but financially I will need to be cleve, the desks are laid out which is a positive start as well as the removal of some displays and Lego.


The kids have been getting on with their homeschooling just fine, it has been a straightforward week for them as they seem into their routine now, even with the Easter break they have managed to hit the road running since their return, Roo has been playing with Tigger more again, which is great, the only worry I have is her relationship with her friends, I’m not sure how often they speak and I don’t think they have that same connection compared to when they meet up at school, being that age they are still building that friendship etc.

Piglet has been her normal self, shes been playing a lot and doing a drawing, I think she is missing school more than the other two, just because of how she acts and her development, shes bee fine but she likes lots of people with lots of things to do, that the type of girl she is. Boo has continued being busy between her Blog and house stuff, she did get some flowers in her weekly bargain hunt, along with Flower bulbs. Next week we begin the big build.



  1. 6 May 2020 / 12:43 pm

    It sounds like you have all adjusted to the lockdown now, it is amazing how kids can get used to new routines so quickly

  2. 6 May 2020 / 8:29 pm

    I love the idea of a gaming room especially as you all like gaming. I’m glad things have been straight forward with the kids and their learning this week.

  3. 6 May 2020 / 9:48 pm

    I can’t believe it’s been 6 weeks either. Love the gaming room. My son and eldest daughter both have consoles in their rooms…if only we had the space for a separate gaming room…

    7 May 2020 / 12:11 pm

    It feels like forever now doesn’t it. I’d love a gaming room, it seems like the living room has become this for the time being.

  5. 7 May 2020 / 12:47 pm

    I hope you’re plans for the garden come together well. It makes such a difference to us spending time outside or in the garden.
    if it was a box hedge there’s a blight going around which kills the bushes. I bet everyone in your family will love the gaming room when it’s done too.

  6. Rhian Westbury
    7 May 2020 / 1:11 pm

    That’s nice that you’ve got a bit of a gaming space now so you can enjoy it as a family together x

  7. Melanie williams
    7 May 2020 / 3:53 pm

    I love how the kids have just been getting on with things and also that you have some gaming space x

  8. 7 May 2020 / 4:50 pm

    My dining room is the boys gaming room, but I would love to have extra space to have a dedicated room for it. I would be gutted to sell that Lego though

  9. Rowena Corderoy
    7 May 2020 / 5:53 pm

    My boys would love a gaming room. I can’t believe it’s been two months either we do feel like we’re getting into a routine here though.

  10. michelle twin mum
    7 May 2020 / 8:49 pm

    Good idea to change that room toa gaming one. If that is what you all enjoy, then it is the sensible move. Good luck! Mich x

  11. 7 May 2020 / 10:30 pm

    The gaming room sounds like a great idea if you have the space for it . It’s good to know that you have all got a similar interest .

  12. 9 May 2020 / 7:35 pm

    My husband would kill for a game room lol it took some time to adjust to lock down but now I am kind of enjoying the time to get jobs done. During the week I don’t get much done with my 9 month old because my husband is still working full time but from home, however at the weekend we seem to be getting loads done. We now have a pretty garden which I love

  13. 11 May 2020 / 2:39 pm

    That sounds amazing and it’s great that you are all productive. A game room would be amazing especially if you are a gamer.

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