We all have special films close to heart and depending on when you grew up, the films choice would vary, for me, I grew up in the 80’s and early 90‘s so my childhood films were often set from there, these may not always be the best, and for others, they may not understand why you like them etc but we do, it often jogs a memory, brings back those memories, can fill you with joy, but also a tinge of sadness sometimes.

Table of Contents
The List
So as I think about my Top 5, I found it very hard to nail down the top 5 and in reality, there are films that should be on the list but isn’t but that would be the challenge for most, getting it to a Top 5, and more so on this as many of these as I said earlier is special and close to your heart, I decided to keep this to ’80s and do a 90’s another day, likewise, I appreciate films before the 80’s but I’m not old enough to really appreciate them.
This one sets the stage of the list, they are pop culture from that Era, because I’m from that Era and believe the ’80s in pop culture across films, Music etc is arguably the greatest decade but anyway, The Goonies comes from 1985 and stars many new childhood actors at the time including Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen, Corey Feldman to name a few and some of these went on to become major stars (look how far Josh Brolin has gone),
A simple story of a group of kids trying to save there homes from an expanding Country Club, but leads them on a wild adventure hunting for the money to save there houses. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this and how much I love this film.

Back to the future
Again from 1985 (what a crazy year), I’ve banded these together in my list for ease but staring Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd, this epic trilogy spans time in an effort to save their own lives at stages, change there past and future, across 1985,1955,2015 and 1885! This is arguably one of the franchises of the ’80s and is still loved to this day, I probably watched all three more than any others.

In 1984 these well-known comedians who has been in a host of film/TV already created one of the still widely known franchises today. Ghostbusters for me was amazing, I enjoyed both films from 84 and 89, and I actually don’t have a preference, though I know many still prefer the original I’m happy with both, the story is 3 scientist and Winston who just wanted a job, take on the paranormal to save New York City, in a slight adult (undertone) comedy but a highly enjoyable experience that in its day and still now, graphically looks terrific.

Indiana Jones
I’m focusing on the 3 that were in the ’80s not the later rubbish that came out, (a story for another day), Harrison Ford was one of the most known actors at that time but could he come out of the shadow of Star wars? well, he never will lol, but Indiana Jones did show him in another massive franchise, again one of the most known from the 80’s that still known today. Across the films shows Indiana in search of treasure, mostly keeping it at bay from Nazi’s with a little Temple of Doom in India in the middle of the series, I love these films and appreciated them far more as I’ve got older.

Big Trouble in Little China
From 1986 this more Comedic Martial Arts film from John Carpenter was released to mixed reviews and didn’t actually do that well at the box office, I would assume many people may have not seen this, however since the age of home Video with DVD, and now streaming, it’s grown into a cult classic. I like Kurt Rusell as an actor and in this film surrounded by Martial arts and saving the girls and world, again Fighters and Chinese magic, Jack Burton is an unlikely and reluctant hero, this is one of the films I remember full stop, as I’ve grown up being a bit of a geek I’ve then further appreciated this film.

There are some other films than I enjoyed and no doubt you wall have special ones, and depending on the decade this will change dramatically, and I do apologise that these are arguable “The Pop culture films” from the ’80s but that’s what I like, we have watched many of these on recent films nights and still make me smile when I think about them.
Other Films that I loved that should be mentioned in an alternative 5 are below.
Masters of the Universe (he-man) | I was a big He-man cartoon film
Three Amigos | Literally one of the earliest films i ever remember
Flash Gordon | Need i say more?
Labyrinth | Its still weird to this day
Never Ending Story | watched this with family lots when i was very young