Candy Mail American Candy Supreme box is a mystery box filled with American style Candy, this one was provided by Gifted, who like many Companies and shops have been utilising online orders like this with there limited availability to open in towns and cities due to the lockdown. The products often include brands, flavour combinations, and sweets familiar to some but for many they might not be, this is a good chance to try things that you may not have tried.

We often have Mystery boxes as we enjoy the element of surprise and trying something new, with Lockdown and everything associated with that more companies have done this, which has allowed u to try even more, so this month I mixed it up with American Candy, Boo, Roo and I do enjoy sweets, I actually prefer them over chocolate, Piglet is ok with some whereas Tigger is a fussy eater, as mentioned before, so hopefully there would be something for everyone here, or at least most of us.
The box is simple with design with a Logo inside, some companies to make there boxes a bit funky and a little different but this one is a simple, its relatively healthy which is always a good sign, within the box is an array of colours which is generally the things with candy etc, but the volume looks ok at first glance.

Table of Contents
Some of the chocolate is from brands that are well known here in the UK, Twix M&M, and chomp are all very known but the flavours and size etc are not, Twix Cookies and creme ofcouse is a very popular combination these days so nice to see in the Twix, M&M Peanut butter much fo the same, it’s a very unusual looking chomp for us, I’ve not seen it before, Hershey’s kisses are a nice twist on there chocolate,
Hershey’s, to be honest, is still a relatively quiet brand, some people know it but some do not, Cow Tales is something I’ve never heard of, but I tried it almost straight away due to it being caramel fudge brownie, and it was different but, delightful, I could see the resemblance to a fudge brownie, oddly.

Big Sweets
The bigger sweets contain more brands I’m not familiar with, however, I am with Sour patches, these are one of Roo’s and I’s favourite brands in jelly’s/sweets, so these watermelons would be a must to try, however, the Red vine is a brand I think I’ve heard in America, and the Red Twists have been available in Uk, so we have an idea what these would be like, the two airheads are similar to refreshers, both the Strawberry and Apple, Roo liked them and gave me that exact feedback, both nice. Not heard of Mike and Ike, Roo loves Grapes and grape flavours so no doubt will like these.

Mini Sweets
The mini sweets contain a Hershey chocolate heart, and 3 different Taffys, which seems to be increasing popularity as I’ve seen Taffys becoming more available, however, Laffy Taffy seems to be a brand I’m not familiar with, a couple of other smaller sweets make up the rest, a lollipop and a Gummy cupcake.

Medium Sweets
The last of the sweets section includes two “head ” sweets, Lemon head and cherry head, I’m not sure what these candies are so will be intrigued to try, The Swedish fish Tails is also something I’m not sure of, and being Swedish it seems odd, I assume this means something in America, but these jellies are something I should be fine with.

Some drinks were also in the box, Fanta is a very well known brand in the UK, but these had two flavours that aren’t so readily available, Strawberry for one ad Lemon the other, Both flavours that Boo would enjoy, I’ve never had Root beer, and is often a drink associated with America so I’m looking forward to it, Mountain dew ……is mountain dew, I like it so I’m sorted.

Overall this is probably what I expected, maybe a little more than I first thought which is good, and I didn’t think we would have 4 drinks, I would have liked a little more variations as it had two fanta’s but that’s not a problem, not knowing lots about American Sweets I’m not sure if a lot of the brands are represented, and to be honest, we have a lot of those brands here already so I’m pleased there are some in here that I haven’t heard of.