Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 3

This is the continuation of the diary of our lockdown, with the kids and Boo at home, myself at work serving the elderly, dependant and people who just need some shopping. This week was a little calmer as everyone is seemingly settling down into this, with also it being Easter and lovely weather.



My work was pretty straightforward this week, no new additions really to what’s been going on, I’ve still had many people popping in with essentially just buying either newspapers, lottery, alcohol, cigarettes etc..again im not really judging but i do question some of these people, and people are still being very cautious in there 2-meter gap.


We have been able to continue with our bargain shopping, Boo has capitalised on her reduced items, no flowers this week but several plants, however, we have been able to keep topping us up on food at a lower cost, which massively helps us at the moment as we are saving as much money we can, with Boo being self-employed.


The kid have been even more relaxed this week as we haven’t asked them to do much, we’ve set both tigger and Roo the challenge to still read a book every week and write a book report, they have always been big readers so its not anything extra for them, but with the weather being so nice they have spent alot of the week playing outside, a new storage unit for there outdoor toys has been one of the new additions coming soon, so we got on and built it.

Easter Lockdown

This week was Easter, and unfortunately, let’s be honest, it has been a bit muted, even though we all may have made extra efforts with it, it’s still not the same. With the kids we don’t tend to buy many Easter Eggs, normally family buys a lot and we pick up the odd one in the reduced sections, but again this has been a little different this year, with there birthday and Xmas so close together it leaves most of the year without anything thus we tend to buy them one present each.

Tigger got an Ipad due to his coding, he loves to do things like that and we’ve noticed many programs he’s done and wants to do are also on the Ipad that makes it easier, Piglet got some more Baby Annabel stuff which shes always happy with, Roo got some Airpods for her iPhone, she was good and already enjoy listening to music on them.
Next week should be a quieter week with perhaps not a lot happening, but who knows.



  1. 15 April 2020 / 12:40 pm

    I think we are all adjusting and finding it becomming more normal, although some people just do not get the going out for essentials or distancing, lets hope it is not for too much longer

  2. 15 April 2020 / 1:56 pm

    It really does seem to be taking some people longer than others to adapt to the lockdown doesn’t it. Easter has been a bit of a strange one this year as but we have been making the most of the weather and the garden which has been lovely.

  3. Rhian westbury
    15 April 2020 / 7:56 pm

    I think Easter passed a lot of us by without much fuss this year. Usually I buy quite a lot of chocolate but I’ve not seen it as a priority while I’ve been doing the shopping x

  4. 15 April 2020 / 8:16 pm

    Love the idea of doing a weekly update and I am sure they will be really interesting to look back on in the future. We had a fairly quiet Easter too but agree that people do seem to be settling into this new normal and finding their own routines. I had to go the shops to do our food shop yesterday though (only the second time in 4 weeks!) because getting a delivery slot is impossible and I was taken about by how many people were just taking a stroll through the shopping centre! x

  5. Hannah
    15 April 2020 / 9:15 pm

    It’s great you got to go outside. I only really go out once a week to the supermarket

  6. 15 April 2020 / 9:50 pm

    I do enjoy reading your lock down week by week review and this week has been my favourite. Easter has been so different for us too, usually the kids have more chocolates than we can eat given by family and we keep it through out the year or bake with it, this year they had 1 each as we got this before the lockdown in hindsite. So they are lucky to have it.

  7. 15 April 2020 / 10:49 pm

    We are hopefully getting some storage for the kids outdoor toys soon – definitely needed as I keep tripping on them! That reading challenge sounds like a good idea.

  8. 16 April 2020 / 9:41 am

    I enjoyed hearing about your lockdown week 🙂 I started the boys with a 30 day reading challenge, day one was reading under a blanket with a torch! It just adds some variety to what they like to do normally.

  9. 16 April 2020 / 12:00 pm

    I have found that work was busier last week, with lots of people stocking up for easter. I think the restrictions are taking their toll too as have a few customers snipping and sniping at me which is a shame. Isaac has just broken his ipad so think we may have to invest in a new one

  10. 16 April 2020 / 5:35 pm

    We have been so lucky with the weather the last few weeks it has really helped us all. Our boys have been enjoying playing in the garden.

  11. 16 April 2020 / 7:12 pm

    We had a relatively quiet Easter, we did get out for a walk though. I do agree, things are calming down a bit 🙂

  12. Valerie
    17 April 2020 / 1:55 am

    You are so right. While I’m grateful my family is alive right now, Easter was not the same. This was the first time I didn’t have Easter with my parents in about 30 years and that made me sad.

  13. 20 April 2020 / 9:57 am

    We love celebrating Easter so it felt like something for us all to look forward to and enjoy. The weather helped massively too.

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