Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 5

This is the weekly diary of our lockdown experiences that I am doing so we can look back in months and years to come to see what happened and how we were feeling, it’s such a different time and experience for us all. This week’s big change was the kids were back on there homeschooling.


New Norm

The New Norm seems to be the word of the week in the world, and for me, it definitely been that working most days has become that and thankfully I seem to be settling down in similar shifts every week which for me is far easier, I’m seeing the kids less at the moment which is a little upsetting but I get to see them at unusual times in contrast for them not being at school, but we need the money.

Boo has still been powering on doing some of her work, as well as bits and pieces round the house, she is systematically doing stuff around the house room at a time, this keeps her busy, she is still fairly busy on her blog but nowhere near compared to pre lockdown.

School work again

But the main change is back to school, homeschooling began again after out Easter holidays break, thankfully it seemed the schools have put more focus into it, and created more slicker, in-depth resources etc, Both the kid’s schools have prepared far more and using the digital side of things, like websites and emails etc to the max.

This is extremely helpful, alongside that many companies out there have put on a host of digital content learning to aid it. Monday and Tuesday, as you would expect, was a tougher start getting the kids back into that routine, especially with Joe Wicks PE, but by the end of the week, they had got into that rhythm again.


The other big thing for them was baking, Roo loves to bake though Piglet likes to be involved, even if it’s small as she doesn’t know what she’s doing etc, however, Tigger had a school task, and it was to bake some biscuits, arguably the first thing he’s ever really had to bake .

So with Roos baking etc, we added on that she can help Tigger, it was good practice for her to be honest, not only to bake but able to teach and give instructions, Boo and I only helped a little, they worked really well together as it was good to see that Tigger didn’t really get frustrated which is often his biggest drawback.



  1. 29 April 2020 / 12:09 pm

    I think everyone is getting used to the new norm, all mine used to love baking and on her good days my daughter loves to come down to do some baking

  2. 29 April 2020 / 12:57 pm

    My eldest son is 15 and he has loads of school work to get through, but my youngest two, which are 9 and 10, seems to be finishing their work after just 30 minutes. Which isn’t good, as then they are pestering me and I am trying to do my own work!

  3. 29 April 2020 / 4:37 pm

    It sounds like you’re settling well into your ‘new norm’.
    We’ve been doing a little school work but being quite flexible if things get too stressy, which they often have. We’ve been using BBC Bitesize this week which has been really helpful.

  4. 29 April 2020 / 6:09 pm

    It sounds like you are all doing OK with things. I have a feeling going back to “normal” will be very strange when this is all over.

  5. 30 April 2020 / 7:02 am

    Sounds like your keeping busy during this time. We have just done a few sheets of school work each day then filling the time with creative things like baking, Lego and crafts. It’s a super hard time for them and ya isn’t it.

  6. 30 April 2020 / 9:38 am

    We have been baking too, the only problem is they can’t all do it at the same time, so I have to do it with one child a day LOL

  7. Rhian Westbury
    30 April 2020 / 1:03 pm

    That’s good that schools have made more of an effort in to provide resources and help with parents trying to home school x

  8. 30 April 2020 / 3:10 pm

    I can’t imagine how challenging it must be to homeschool kids AND work at the same time for so any families! Hoping all this is over soon but in the meantime, you’re doing great!

    30 April 2020 / 5:03 pm

    We’re trying to keep up with the homeschooling and just about managing it. I’m finding bbc bitesize quite helpful. Not much baking here just yet.

  10. 30 April 2020 / 7:04 pm

    It was hard for my kids to get back into a routine too especially after the Easter break but it was a total welcome having some sort of structure to our day.

  11. 30 April 2020 / 8:08 pm

    We carried on with school work during the Easter holidays so didn’t find it hard to keep up with it. We have a good routing going now.

  12. michelle twin mum
    1 May 2020 / 11:59 am

    Glad to hear everyone is back in the rhythm again of studying from home, and so good that the school are offering better resources now. I wish I could get my kids motivated and learning again. Mich x

  13. 1 May 2020 / 12:12 pm

    Glad you are doing okay. It will definitely be a new normal when this is all over. I’ve been doing a fair bit of baking too and enjoying it.

  14. 3 May 2020 / 2:11 pm

    I think its going to be really cool to be able to look back on these lockdown diaries in years to come, its a bit like a time capsule! xxx

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