My Top 5 Horror Films

I’ve always liked Horror films and they can often be varied, with some can be violent, bloody, Scary, psychological, gory, and suspenseful, but they can also be all of it. Some people don’t like them, like Boo who is happy to never watch a Horror film again, but some it’s their favourite genre, and it’s just normal entertainment for them. In reality, some haven’t ever really aged but for others, our taste and tolerance of these films have changed, and some of the older ones are not as frightening as they once were intended to be.

With my list, I’ve watched them for years but I do have very limited time to watch them, with kids in the house and Boo not wanting to watch them my opportunity to sit down on my own and watch a film is low, other genres they can be in the room or might check it out, but many of these I can’t.

I don’t really have a preference on the type of mini-genre within the Horror Genre, and these days I’m not really fazed by blood and guts etc, I can be a little critical if the story or the acting can be, as these often side elements in this genre, don’t get me wrong some are so stupid that there’s still enjoyment to it. This is why it’s important I find a huge range of horror films ready to try out on websites like, Netflix, and similar websites. 

Stephen King IT remake

I did Like the original film, and Tim Curry was great, but the remake is arguably the best remake of an old film there’s been, and with many horror films having been remade this was a masterclass in how to make it great and better, I equally like number 2, the first one though felt very stranger things ESC but turned up, which isn’t a problem but it was my only knock on it but that’s really small criticism though,

A few of the child actors have been around in Series and films so they are semi-well known, but Bill Skarsgard steals the show and portrays it excellently, I think it’s the best modern-day horror there’s been.

Evil Dead

I love Evil Dead, all three, of course, I’m too young to have watched the original from 1981 and it would have been stretched to watch the sequel in 87 but since then I’ve watched all 3, the first when you watch it is a little funny now, it’s not scary, its special effects are hookey, all looks low budget etc, but in reality, it was banned, it was infamous, for many it was a new level of scary.

The second was much better put together and still had controversy, and the third I think is just a comedy, that’s arguably where they went with the series, horror-comedy, but I really like them all, its spawned a Game, a TV series, and potential another film in talks, its a cult classic.

Cabin in the Woods

I really liked this, many Horror films since the turn of the millennium have been forgettable, but this 2012 with a tinge of comedy saw Joss Whedon, (who I’m a fan of), and also starred Chris Hemsworth in one of his more early roles and non-marvel, in a different take on a traditional slasher horror film, for much of this it was a horror film, but the plot takes a huge twist 3/4 a way through it, and I loved the twist and the idea of the ending.

There are lots of Horror moments etc of this, but I enjoyed the subtle other parts to it.

The Thing

From 1982 a more Sci-fi Horror film much like Alien saw a young Kurt Russell in the cold, it was full of suspense and a little blood, I never watched the remake/new version as I wasn’t interested in watching it, but this was a classic and is still on of the better films in the genre.

Dawn of the Dead

In 1978 this may have been a scary film but in reality, if you watch it now, it’s not really, I think this is one of the films that needed technological advancement, in 2004 it was remade this time by Zack Synder and written by James Gunn, two relatively known people lol,

But the reason I would put the remake in my top 5 is it arguably restarted a whole genre, Zombie films have become massively popular and with Walking Dead has stayed well known all this time, but a lot of the ideas, the special effects, the processes for modern-day zombies came from this film, even a game dead rising is similar to it, it was a good film, not massively spectacular but it deserves the praise.


I like Horror films as I said earlier, and I really don’t mind any of the mini genres within them, I think many people’s lists will be different to mine as there are many films that could be on this list, Aliens should be as really it was a horror, even with technology that has moved on there are a series of films that are still low budget that focuses on psychological and many people like these, that show the diverse range of the genre.

A few films that could have my list and I’m sure there are loads more.

  • Nightmare on Elm Street | This is one of the most well-known horror films of them all, I even liked the remake
  • 28 days later |  A solid British horror film that’s really quite good, the sequel not so much but it was well done.
  • Halloween | I actually really liked the recent remake\follow on, but I imagine many people liked the originals
  • Conjuring | A solid film of a different Horror film genre that is one of the better newer breeds
  • Blair witch | You have to give it props for being arguably the kick starter of that Psychological low budget film
  • Paranormal Activity | Another one of more modern-day, the first 1 was great, played on realism so much, I don’t like it spawned many more and similar ones.
  • Wrong Turn | first one was fantastic in horror films, but it’s been done to death now.
  • Cabin Fever | Another one  with a series, where the first one was great and its been done lots of times, it even somehow spawned a remake
  • Shaun of the dead? | Yeh it’s probably a Horror film, it is one of my favourites but it’s a much more of a comedy than a horror so perhaps not fitting on the list with some of the others but still deserves recognition as it’s great.

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