We all have things that are a little compulsive, some struggle with it more than others and there can be different levels of OCD, my closest to this is my time obsession, it’s extremely odd and can be a constant frustration and plays on my mind with watches and clocks.… View Post

Part-Time and Dad Time

Part-Time and Dad Time

A couple of years ago after working full-time non-stop for nearly 20 years, we had a change around in our life and work situation, this allowed me to go part-time and as a dad spend more time with the kids and be part of family life, 2 years on how are we getting on? what’s been happening? and more importantly, is it working.… View Post

Fitness update September | Getting back into a Rhythm

Fitness update September | Getting back into a Rhythm

I’ve detailed before my struggles with my weight and fitness, and this year was meant to be getting back into a routine and retake that weight off, however with everything that’s happened it become a bit stagnant, my motivation, Time and accessibility has decreased, to the point now my weight is much higher than its been in 4 years.… View Post

Star Wars | Why I Love it

Star Wars | Why I Love it

There are a few genres and franchises that in life we hold dear, Films, Tv, Games all sorts, in the filming world there’s a few that stand out LOTR, Marvel, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park etc, and Star Wars. The franchise is older than me (just) but for me, it’s been around my whole life, at this point I’ve seen all of the films several times, the TV series’s with the exception of the Mandalorian Series, this kicks off a new era of Star Wars.… View Post

Visiting Diggerland Yorkshire – A Dad Review

Visiting Diggerland Yorkshire – A Dad Review

Diggerland has been around for 20 years and has locations around the country including Devon, Kent , Durham and Yorkshire, in which an array of diggers and adventure at the heart of it. With indoor and outdoor play areas, Rides, Challengers and lots of different fun. The Location we would be visited in the Yorkshire one, just outside Leeds in Castleford.… View Post

Fathers Day Gift Guide | What I would like

Fathers Day Gift Guide | What I would like

As fathers day approaches many bloggers and influencers do Gift guides, many of them can be useful and some…not so much, this year ill be honest, I just did one for myself and the things I like, don’t get me wrong I won’t get everything, but I’ve also kept it realistic, we would all like money, houses holidays, cars etc..but I can’t see my little kiddies getting these lol.… View Post

Lego 76128 | Molten Man Battle

Lego 76128 | Molten Man Battle

Lego 76128, Molten Man battle is a series based on the Spiderman Far From home film set in the MCU, in which there are 4 sets available. This set focuses on the attack from Molten Man, it has 3 Mini-figures and contains 294 pieces, its RRP is £24.99.… View Post

A Keyworker Point of View

A Keyworker Point of View

I’m one of those Keyworker people that during the Lockdown, and before, is still at work and during the lockdown, in particular, I’ve had a lot of emotions and thoughts go through my mind so I thought id share my ramblings. At no point do I think I’m as important as many of the Services, including the NHS, and certainly not had the perhaps danger and stress of those people also, but I am in a shop dealing with people every day, with risks, stresses and concerns.… View Post

Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 4

Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 4

I’m documenting our lockdown weeks so in the future we can look back and know what happened, and what we were doing during this time as our memories can get a bit lost looking back, so this week is the 4th week we are on lockdown, I’m still a key worker, whereas the rest of the family are at home.… View Post

Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 3

Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 3

This is the continuation of the diary of our lockdown, with the kids and Boo at home, myself at work serving the elderly, dependant and people who just need some shopping. This week was a little calmer as everyone is seemingly settling down into this, with also it being Easter and lovely weather.… View Post

Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 2

Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 2

So we complete week 2 of COVID 19 lockdown, as I recap this week ill try not to rant about people too much this week, however, there has more ongoings with work. The others though have been staying at home with the exception of boo who managed to escape for a couple of hours!… View Post