Are You Worried About These Things When It Comes To Your Teenagers?

Are You Worried About These Things When It Comes To Your Teenagers?, As a parent, the worrying is never going to stop. It’d start from the moment you get a positive pregnancy test. You worry about your pregnancy, what you eat, and the actions that you take. The baby is born, and you worry about every cough, every temperature rise, and their breathing.


You worry about the first days of school, friendships, and their eating habits, and as they get older, it only becomes worse as you begin to realise that you can’t always protect them from everything. There are common things to worry about when you have teenagers, here are some examples and how some of them may help them learn and grow as individuals. 

Social media access

One of the things that you can’t avoid as they get older, is their need and want to access social media. They may have their friends going online, or they simply want to fit in. Some parents can worry about social media, as there has been a lot of negative press surrounding it, but actually, there can be a positive impact of social media as well.

There is so much inspiration on there, knowledge and creativity, that teenagers can really find out quite a lot just through the power of people sharing. It is definitely something to think about. 

The stress of exams

Exam stress can be a tough one, and one that you should definitely take seriously. There is much pressure put on young adults these days to gain qualifications and a certain level of results that the sheer thought of it can put your child under immense strain. Exams are something that you can’t avoid, so finding great ways to handle the stress would be the best cause of action.

It would be advisable to look for alternative ways to help them revise. Look at things that you can do as a parent to help. Encourage them to take regular breaks and time for themselves and assure them that they can only do their best. It is normal to worry about these things with your children, but if they feel like you are on their side, then they may be able to feel better about it.  

Too much screen time or gaming 

Any parent who has a teenager will know that these days they can spend more and more of their time on games. This could be engrossed in games consoles, their phones, or watching endless YouTube videos of other people playing games .

The amount of screen time these days has grown, and while it can be a worry, there is also a lot of good to it. You are totally normal to worry about these things, and as long as you know that the screen time is limited and mixed with other activities like reading or spending time as a family then there is nothing to worry about. 

The peer pressure they could face

Finally, a child can face peer pressure at any age, and it can also be quite worrying that you think they will feel pressured to do things they don’t want to do. Education and communication are key here. If they feel they can confide in, you then you can help to steer them in the right direction. 

Sometimes sharing your worries can help you to feel more at ease with them.


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