Roo being the eldest has been at school for what seems an age now, but as she faces the school return this year the realization of the final countdown has begun, she now is in her most crucial time with the work towards her GCSE’s and beyond begins.

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The Active girl
Growing up she was always a school-type girl, she loved going to school and getting involved in any and all activities, she is a relatively clever girl though her common sense can sometimes leave her…but with her school work, she was fairly good across the board.
Her sports has continued to be strong and even though this isn’t a priority for her in the final stretch she has always been an active girl, evolving from sports like netball, Football etc to Dancing and performing. Even Baking that she has done for many years has followed her through to the final years and is now part of her GSCE’s etc.

Its not been straight forward
With the last 18 months though it’s not been a straightforward time, lots of school were missed at different times, and her school year was affected in both years, let alone that this summer she had hurt her leg so added onto her own frustrations recently.
I am concerned about her year group and the next one up as their time has been affected with Covid etc, I’m not dismissing the last two year groups who have had their results, but with cancellations etc of test and awarded results etc, for some the stressed was more likely relieved, the new final year will more likely have to do a normal school year and tests with the Covid cloud hanging over still and with Roo and her year group who knows if it will be a broken school year.

Being a teenager we’ve had that can’t be bothered ups and down over the last couple of years, and with the lockdown, the situation is made it tougher, but I think we are now in that place with her that she understands how important the new 2 school years are.
She may not like all the subjects and I’ve explained that you can do this, get a good grade and then at sixth form/college you can focus on what you like, and you will naturally be more infused and enjoy and find it more interesting, but for now, just get the grades you can get, one last final push, do what’s expected to follow the teacher’s advice, put the effort in.
These subjects and things your not interested in you will never be bothered about again, for such a short time in your life, but you can put your effort into the things you do, I’m confident she will put her effort into it when we look back in a years time lets hope it was a relatively undisturbed school year.