As each month goes by my Diary from a Dad looks at what’s happening with our little family, through all the adventures, challenges and obstacles that come to our lives. As a family of 5, with 3 children at different ages every day, week and month can offer something different. It was November and the month of Birthdays! all three kids have their birthdays and by the end of the month, we are staring down the road at Christmas! It’s always a fun time of year but a busy one.

Table of Contents
Roo’s Birthday
As the month began we finished off Halloween and quickly moved on to Roo’s Birthday, it may be her 17 and let’s be honest a birthday year that people are less bothered about as its all about 18 or 16…. but we still celebrated it and spent the day together, some food, bowling and presents etc was the decision and with fireworks in the back round the day was nice.
As for presents this year we are doing big combo presents between both birthdays and xmas, with little ones on those days separately, now for Roo she had a trip to France and Disney with her business course coming up and chose this, as it’s not cheap this was her big present.

Tigger Birthday
As the month moved on to Tigger’s Birthday just a couple of days later he also wanted to go bowling after the fun of Roo’s birthday but his day was a school day so a limited celebration with food and a film afterwards was done. Tigger wanted a PS5 has been talking about it for a couple of years, so much so that he has been saving for a PS5 himself, but his big present both occasions was that PS5, it almost brought a tear to his eye as he opened it which was nice…

Piglet’s Birthday
The final birthday was Piglet’s, this was later in the month and with Xmas just around the corner we celebrated her birthday just before we switched the house and our lives to Christmas! For Piglet though she wanted and needed a new iPad etc for school work and games. Not having a phone this was her main tech device but her old one was really old at this point, so much so we couldn’t use it on some apps.
But she understood that we get her one Xmas present while Santa gets the rest, so this combo big present with her birthday was great or her, needless to say all three kids got other small things aswell as some great gifts from family.

Trips out
But with Piglet’s birthday, we combined a couple of upcoming events for Boo’s work to help celebrate hers over the whole weekend, we visited London for Ceebeebies Panto which was a great occasion to see the premier of it at Leicester Square, for kids and parents TBH, it’s a relatively big deal every year for the Xmas week having the panto on. We also got to quickly look around some places and then do decorate a gingerbread man workshop. This was different as two performers were elves and made the hour event more fun than just decorating.

The weekend also included going to Thursford for their Christmas activities, we were doing their lights display and seeing Santa, which is a great thing to do at a very well-known place. Last year we also did their spectacular show which is known around the county, we didn’t do it this year but that’s fine as for me I wouldn’t do it every year like some. But the lights and the Santas visit in a great place where they go all out is something I would do every year.

There were plenty of other things going on, more family time as we headed out to Garden centres on the weekend (more on that another day), while films and day trips out were still happening. Visiting Sandringham this year was again another Xmas highlight, this was around the Roo and Tigger’s birthday and helped make that week more special, their Luminate festival is great and a really good display to see.

Onto the end of the year
The busy time of year continues and it’s shocking to think that next month will be Christmas and the end of the year.