So we complete week 2 of COVID 19 lockdown, as I recap this week ill try not to rant about people too much this week, however, there has more ongoings with work. The others though have been staying at home with the exception of boo who managed to escape for a couple of hours!

The kids did more school work this week as its technically the last week of term, as they would break up for Easter, and we are still continuing that, it does feel that we’re getting a little bored with the work this week however they would do near the end of term anyway. I haven’t been able to do much with this week as I’ve been at work for the weekdays, however, the weekend we all chilled, and the weather helped out with the fun.
The kids managed to play outside a lot more and we started to look at our outdoor toys etc, we have things planned that are on the way, frustratingly one piece of mega excited for the garden! didn’t arrive, so we are now delayed this week with the hope of next weekend in its construction.
However it is nice to see the three kids play together, even Roo being 13, you can see her getting a little bored and annoyed with the younger two, but she still plays with them, which is still great for her, on the flip we have battling to remind her to read her book, shes been binge-watching series and films thus trying to keep her doing other stuff.
Tigger has been his normal self, with the arrival of Animal Crossing on Switch he has wanted to play that far more this week, but he’s a good boy and still powers through his School work and reading. Piglet….well shes been Piglet, very bossy this week, its shame for her as I think long term she is most affected with their development, shes missing months of school in total, which is the same for everyone else but the kids that age haven’t had much, so this would normally be a big learning time for her.

Boo has been on form as she is still managing to balance everything, our bargain huntings this week have cheered us up with lots going on, she managed to escape to check on our house that we are selling, which of course has been put on hold, which doesn’t help financially. Hopefully, her reading and continued farming simulator play, then keep her sanity going.
I’ve still been working lots, the good thing this week is it definitely feels that people are paying more attention as the store is quieter without those rushes from before, maybe people are paying attention, maybe people just have lots of food? however its also been weird as protective screens went up and it makes you feel your working in a booth, or a post office/bank, and now special floor stickers for zones and walking path, this week has felt like I want to be more at home for the kids but financially we can’t afford it.

It is frustrating for the kids to be in this lockdown but at least the weather is good so they can spend in the garden.
My kids are mostly introverts in nature so they adjusted to the quarantine quite well. I’d love to have them out in the yard under the sunshine and run around.
It must be so tough for kids to not have their normal routine. I have such admiration for everyone who is homeschooling as it can’t be easy. We’re struggling food-wise as we’re not in self isolation and there are no delivery slots and no one who can bring us things so not sure what we’ll do x
We have had protective screens go up too but ours have huge gaps in which defeats the object. We have found that we have been busier towards the end of the week, maybe its because people have remembered its easter
I am a one day away from week 5 of lockdown and it hasn’t been easy at all. Here in Spain you are not allowed to go out for a walk, you can only go to the supermarket for essential shopping – recommended once a week.
Being the Easter holidays I haven’t made them do any school work. Both my girls school’s haven’t set work for the holidays either which i am happy with to be honest. I need the homeschooling break as much as my kids do!
Our kids are starting to find it a little tough, not quite understanding why they can’t go out and do what they are used to. I bet work has been super busy.
I guess I’m catching up on this a little late, but how are things now Liam? I found it quite unhelpful having two weeks of homeschooling and then two weeks holiday. I’d have preferred to have worked through. Hey ho, back to the homeschooling routine next week!
Im ok, as im writing this weeks diary my thoughts are that the kids need that structure again, Monday the routine kicks back in lol, cant see them last till September at this rate…