Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | May2021

Last year in March 2020 I decided to do a Lockdown Diary, these were weekly but with the return to a bit more normality, kids back to school everything starting to open, I moved it to Monthly, and with us still in Lockdown each month was continuing through our journeys. We hit may! 2 bank holidays more easing of lockdown, jabs, and beginning of half term, plus it’s the sunshine returned!


Covid Jab

Hooray!, it was finally jab time for both Boo and I, with us being the same age bracket we managed to get outs booked, well Boo did and after a week I decided to ring our doctors and just “check in” this comes as we had a letter at the beginning of a weekend essentially asking if I was still alive! so with this all sorted, it was my turn.

Boo, however, did well with hers as she didn’t get any real reaction, just a slightly heavy arm and of course a little tender, and I was very much the same, I could lift it higher than my shoulder and felt heavy, but in reality, neither of us had any of the other symptoms that people had.

Boo had a late in the day appointment and that led to a long queue to get in and there the process was a further wait as you make your way through, for me though I had an early one, which meant I went through pretty quickly, there was no queue outside and then inside I just got a 7 person in front of me length wait, I would recommend if you can choose a time go early.

As we tweak outworking lives for the phase Boo changed jobs and has returned to the NHS, it may not be the greatest job or something that really challenges her but its a foot back in the door and step back in that way, as I mentioned before with us both having part-time jobs, both sharing kids responsibility though going forward I edge more of it, as this allows Boo to do her blog which is still a big part of her week both enjoyment and financially, so we continue to strike the balance.

But with the other Tesco job in the distance this allows Boo a bit more time again more consistency, something ive been battling at my work, with hours, certain days, and responsibility all something I’m battling with and getting them to understand that I’m the main parent at home and can only do certain times and days if you have worked shift patterns etc you will understand the struggle sometimes that is.

Out and about!

We managed to get out! we went to Thorpe Park which I’ve done a review about with the easing of lockdown down etc, this comes out this month, however, with everything that’s happened we are keen to start getting back to normal for the kids as they have perhaps suffered more than most in all families, we’ve all struggled but the kids have just to get on with it.

It was a fun day out but really we’ve been restricted to do anything else, rain-delayed some other activities, and then Roo was ill at the end of the month, this happened Half term and there will be more about that next month.

Other than that, with the weather turning to be nice at the end of the month we were able to do some gardening, the back garden looks good and with some additions as per Boo’s blog, the kids starting to play outside more. Boo and I have seen alot of passing etc with work and other activities but we’ve started to tweaks in the home, ever year we do bits and bits and slight tweaks, with room moves, Furniture changes, etc.

This year isn’t any different, I’ve decided to reduce how much Lego I have on display and with money being tight I’ve reduced how much i can buy, thus we are in the process of swapping a dining roo and gaming room round, making it more of an office/gaming room for us, leaving the kids to have their things in their room. Packing up Lego and using the Ikea furniture takes time, the good thing is Ikea is always the same so we can tweak with additions or changes, we just do a little every year and budget accordingly.

Coming up

Even though June started with a half term, normally the busiest time of the year for us as a family, with Roo being ill its a heads up it was a tough start for next month, on a brighter note in the gaming world my console wars series started and I’m playing ARK again! Dinosaurs!


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