School Return 2022

School Return 2022, We arrive in 2022 new school year with all three kids attending school, technically for the last time, but it was also a big year for both Tigger and Roo, while Piglet continues to take everything in her stride and onto the next school year.

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With Piglet it’s actually quite a normal year, and we hope that this year will be one, lets be honest since shes been going to school its all been disjointed because of world events, but this year could prove to be the first full solid year with no real issues or world events …maybe… For Piglet she is a confident girl, she’s the most excited about school, partly because she has new glasses, but partly because she loves school, she loves being around her friends and the whole experience, but for her, it will be a normal one.


As for Tigger, this was a big year for him, it’s his first in high school and this would be a big step up for him, I get for most it is that jump to high school where you begin to become more of an adult as you enter those teenage years, where in reality you change. With him, though we naturally have concerns, he’s a smart boy but his common sense can allude to him, his communication skills aren’t great, especially when it comes to his own emotions.

With Roo this wasn’t really a problem, and however silly she can be sometimes, she has that street smart and common sense, he does not, it worries me about getting a bus , attending school, getting around the school, having responsibility and getting feedback from teachers, let alone then getting home. He is a smart boy and I’m not in doubt that he will do well, but I’m equally worried that all of these issues may hinder him, certainly in the first few months.


For Roo it’s the final stretch! It’s the final year of school, and she will almost certainly go to sixth form or college or something, focusing on areas that she shows interest in, but for her, this is the last normal year of school, lets be honest life changes after high school. After all the years, the mock exams, tests, dances, shows, whatever…just a few months left and it will all be over. I can go over and over how proud of her I am, as we both are, so it’s one last push we go.

She might be getting to the end of it in her mind, and it’s all just there now, with him being over it now…but even if she sees its in the final stretch, hopefully, it will all go well. Come the summer more of a plan of things she’s interested in come clear, as she looks to the next step, and I’m sure she will do some more learning before settling on what she likes, but with school, she will finish strong.

So hopefully this year will be smooth for all three, in what seemingly will be a fairly big year for the family.


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