Top Ways to Destress After Work, There’s nothing worse than a long and boring working week. We spend 5 days of the week going to the office or going to our place of work, working all the hours we can, going home collapsing into bed only to do it all over again a few hours later. By the time we get to the weekend, we are burnt out and exhausted and not looking forward to it because all it means is that we’re going to have two days of fun before starting the same process all over again.

Unwinding after work has to be a priority of yours if you want to practice good self-care. If you know that your self-care routine right now sucks, then the best thing that you can do is work to improve it. Some of the best ways that you can do that are listed in this article below.
Whether you are a fan of the William Hill app and you want to play games on your phone on the way home, or you are a fan of curling up in a cozy reading nook and taking out the latest edition of your favourite book, there are plenty of ways that you can unwind after work. Are you ready to deep dive into them? Let’s go.
Top Ways to Destress After Work
- Have a long soak in the bath. After a long day at work there’s nothing like a hot bath. Being able to relax all of your muscles and settle into the warm water can really help you to feel the weight of your work slithering off your shoulders. Popping on a relaxing playlist on Spotify, using a bath bomb and even lighting some candles can really help you to set that mood for self care. Lock the door and turn off the lights so that you don’t get any interruptions here, and just lay back and relax.
- Dive into a book. Often, one of the best ways to unwind from work is to dive into somebody else’s life. You may not have friends on hand 24/7 to help you do that, but a good book is always available to you to crack open and read. Setting yourself up in a comfortable seat with your best blanket and things that make you feel warm and cozy can really help to set the scene for you to dive into somebody else’s world. In no time at all, with the right snacks and a hot drink, you could be immersed in another story from another world.

- Meet up with some friends. Now, it’s important that we point out that you don’t have to do this in person. We talked about the William Hill app earlier on, and you can use apps like this to play games online and gamble against your friends. There are even apps out there that allow you to join poker rooms where you can gather together and chat and play online for money or for tokens it’s completely up to you.
If you do want to go out, going to a restaurant for a nice dinner is far better than heading to a bar and slinging back shots. Unwinding has to be about going home with a clear head knowing that you’ve unleashed all of your stresses on friends and vice versa for them.
- Make something delicious to eat. At the weekend we all seem to treat ourselves to meals that we love the most. You don’t actually have to wait for the weekend, though. If you’ve been busy all week and you have been too busy to enjoy your favourite food, stop making it rather than going out to order it. You deserve to be able to enjoy something after the week that you’re having, and it’s a good way to relieve stress because if you are the person cooking, you can pop on some music and have a dance in the kitchen while you cook.
- Go for a walk. Sometimes, getting out into nature can really help you to unwind. It’s not just the breathing of fresh air, but by going for a power walk you will be able to get rid of all of that extra adrenaline you’ve been feeling. Your mind will be far from whatever stresses you’ve been feeling, and you may even get a good view if you have the time to go for a hike. Popping on your headphones and playing your favourite songs is just the beginning of a good walk, so make sure you choose a trail that really is worthy of your time.
- What’s your movie? Sometimes the easiest way to unwind after work is to throw on your favourite movie. Pick one that always makes you laugh no matter how many times you’ve seen it, and if it has a blooper highlight reel that is even better. Choose something that makes you laugh or cry or dance because all of these things are going to help you to feel that little bit lighter.
Being in a working environment often makes us repress our emotions, but the familiarity of the characters and the nostalgia that you’ll feel while you watch your favourite movie can really help you to forget about why you felt so stressed at the beginning.

- Plan the perfect sleep space. One of the best ways to unwind after a long day of work is simply with an early night. Your bedroom should be the correct temperature for your comfort, you should have enough blankets on the bed to stay warm and uncomfortable, you should pile up the pillows so that you can rest your head easily, and if you need a hot water bottle or a heated blanket, get those ready to go.
Sinking into your pillows, switching off the light and turning on the fan are all great ways to relax when you’ve had such a hard day. Sleeping early enough can also help you to feel way more relaxed for your next working day which is going to start in a few hour’s time.
- Give yourself a full spa treatment. Splurging on a face mask, foot mask, hair masks and more can make you feel good about yourself. Pull out the stops by warming up towels in the dryer or on the radiator, and throw on a comfy bathrobe. You deserve to pamper yourself no matter the kind of day you are having, but pampering yourself helps you go a long way to de-stress.