Transformers battlegrounds are the latest in a long line of games in the universe of Transformers, this one though is set in the Cyberverse Tv program so many of the characters etc feature in that series and thus the game, the game itself is released on multiple platforms.… View Post

Geek Gear Best Ever Mystery Box | Box 2

Geek Gear Best Ever Mystery Box | Box 2

Geek Gear is a brand that operates mostly online and focuses on Pop culture, in which you can purchase some things individually and via mystery boxes. They theme mystery boxes like Harry Potter, Marvel etc, but some are completely random. This is the second Geek Gear “Best Ever” Mystery box.… View Post

Kingdom Hearts 3 | A Dad Review

Kingdom Hearts 3 | A Dad Review

Kingdom hearts is the hugely popular game collaborating the world of final fantasy and Disney and began life many years ago on the PS2, since then it continued to grow in popularity and is a cult favourite for some. It’s available on both Xbox and PS4, this is also on the Xbox Gamer Pass in which this review was based around.… View Post

Loot Crate | Showdown April 2019

Loot Crate | Showdown April 2019

Loot Crate is a website that distributes pop culture items in either singularly or as part of crates, within those crates they can be a particular theme or a complete mystery, even theme ones can often be a varied mix and shrouded in mystery. This one was the continued run of crates with the previous two being Transformation and Cosmic.… View Post

Forza Horizon 4 | A Dad Review

Forza Horizon 4 | A Dad Review

Forza Horizon 4 is a long-standing Xbox Series that actually spawned from its sister game Forza Motorsport, which goes back even longer in the Xbox Series, right back to when the Xbox Console was launched in 2001, so with all this history and acclaimed awards and experience what was the latest version like?… View Post

My Top 5 Action Films | 2000’s Edition

My Top 5 Action Films | 2000’s Edition

Action films are some of my favourites, they can have some story but in reality, it’s about the over the top action, this list is based on the films of the modern age, with the advancement in technology etc Action films have seen an improvement of quality also, there are plenty of them around and can differ in brilliance and quality, from B-movies to Blockbusters that dominate cinemas, in which they are often great to watch.… View Post

My Top 5 Animated Films | Disney Pixar

My Top 5 Animated Films | Disney Pixar

Disney Animated films have been in all our lives, and things that we hold dear to us, we all have favourites and all have ones that we thoroughly enjoyed, but over the years there have been times when Disney Animated films haven’t been quite good, but with the change in technology Pixar became a much bigger thing, and after the success in 1995 with Toy Story, they led the way for Disney and eventually were bought and joined the Disney family.… View Post

Loot Crate | Lord of the Rings | There and …

Loot Crate | Lord of the Rings | There and Back Again

Loot Crates are mystery box that can be bought on their website or as part of a subscription and can be complete or mystery or can be themed, though its not always clear in advance what will be in them thus the mystery. This box is the third in a special trilogy of boxes, unfortunately, like before these have been delayed but this was the final one and we finally got it after a few issues.… View Post

My Top 5 childhood films | 90’s Edition

My Top 5 childhood films | 90’s Edition

Growing up there are Childhood films that hold a special place in our hearts, these can bring out the emotions of our past, good, bad, funny, sad…all sorts, so when we think back or even watch them nowadays it can be a joy. With many films to choose from through many years, I’m a child of the 80’s early ’90s, which I’ve already done here, but the 90’s list would generally include the first half of the decade, as I was approaching teenage life at the end of the decade and I wasn’t interested in it then lol.
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The Escapists 2 | A Dad Review

The Escapists 2 | A Dad Review

The Escapists 2 is the second in the series in which you try to escape prison using various techniques, its essentially a sandbox puzzle game with the Prison being at the centre of it, its one of Xbox Game pass games so Tigger and Roo have been testing it out.… View Post