At the beginning of lockdown, I decided to do a diary of our lockdown lives, looking at what we did, how we got on, and what our thoughts were. I was a key worker so I’ve been at work the whole time while the kids have been at home, and Boo has been doing limited work. These was the last few weeks of the summer holidays! so it was a busy time normally, but this year was a different time.

Table of Contents
Off the Tracks…
With everything going on and having a week off from work I decided to delay the diary and spend a bit more time with the kids and organising live and return to school. I’ve always said that I would do this until the end of lockdown and week 26 signals the return to more normal life, however, we may be seeing another twist and a further lockdown, so who knows lol.

August was about trying to get back to a normal routine and time, we had been out to a couple of places and continued it with another journey out, we had been into the city as a family for the first time in months, and we even managed a trip to Pizza hut to try to take advantage of the “eat out” scheme, it wasn’t a great experience which is disappointing because I had been working almost the whole time the promotion was on, this has affected my thoughts on going to restaurant’s for a while, which puts my family restaurants reviews aside for the time being.

Out and about…
We’ve been trying to capitalise on the Merlin passes as much as we can as it was something we had already bought, and with everything cancelled on delayed it was good for the kiddies to still have some fun, we managed to visit Alton Towers and Warwick Castle, because of where we live this is one of the furthest yearly things we visit, and often can only do it once a year.
Alton Towers is good all-round family fun, though its often busy and big, Warwick castle for us is ok, though I don’t think its an all-day thing for us, so we would combine it with adventures out, both these though were a test in how the lockdown ha impacted these places, there will be reviews shortly on the site.

As we tried to squeeze in-home activities and these trips out, we now find ourselves at the week of school return, however this week we got the traditional last-minute school stuff, trainers, shoes, jumpers etc, with 3 kids in 2 schools, its a busy time but we were obviously cautious with getting it sorted until we 100% knew they were back we held off, our luck time we bought it, there would be a delay and then grow out of the uniforms etc… but so far so good, normally new bags and new lunch box stuff follows and in some ways it has, but as I said its nowhere near what the normal school return it would be,
It feels weird and perhaps not as special but the kids are looking forward to it, even though they might not admit it lol, but Piglet is almost counting down the minutes and seconds, as I’ve said before she is the one that really needs it as she started and then stopped her first attempt so she needs that routine etc.
But who knows what next week will bring