Halloween 2022! a new year of the seasonal time of the year, with my favourite time…Autumn to Christmas. this year sees the kids at school, Halloween prep, and Covid in the Halloween rearview mirror, and we aren’t away for the day! so how did we get on?

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As I’ve talked about in previous posts Halloween has been a bit odd over the last few years, in 2020 and 2021, because of Covid and restrictions naturally people were cautious about doing Halloween, it one of those events that actually got affected by all of this because people didn’t want to go to houses etc, obvious reasons. For us, We also were out the previous year so it really had been a while since we were at home for a proper Halloween.

This year it felt a bit odd, in England the Half-term fell the week before so the kids were actually back at school on Halloween, which to me is always a weird thing. Boo was working and I was working in the middle of the day, this all meant everything was a little tight for Halloween prep. The time everyone was back, finish off the decorations, eat and go out for Trick or treat.
Over the years the decorations have grown as we tend to slowly increase, but with the natural issues of the last couple of years it has slowed slightly, indoor decorations have increased, with animated toys, spider webs, Halloween accessories and this years Gonk increment….these have got bigger, and these were put out earlier in the month. A last-minute dash looking at bargains on Sunday and Monday saw us add a little big more.
The outside definitely needs improving, this year though we still have the inflatable arch, that lights up, this is still the showpiece and needs a little more to help it, but still, for kiddies in the dark it looks great. A light-up projector and our usual graves with skeleton coming out of the ground makes up the rest. Looking at the projector I’m always in the debate on how to make it look the best, I need to look around and see how people do it, further away? up close? back round to light on? I’m not sure.
A Halloween meal
With everything that was happening I was keen to do a Halloween meal, so we decorated it and bought some party snacks from Food warehouse / Iceland. Frustratingly they were out of their special pumpkin foods, so I opted to not to get any from anywhere else in the end from a budget point of view, don’t get me wrong M&S had some great things this year and I would recommend them.

Trick or Treat
It was actually really nice to spend some family time and celebrate Halloween properly for the first time in a while, and to be honest, the whole experience felt back to pre-COVID days, we were so busy on the trick-or-treat night that I had to get more sweets, and we still ran out, with easily Roo and I seeing over 250 children. Boo took Tigger and Piglet out for their Trick r treat, with Tigger getting sweats for Roo and I lol. But it’s been a great Halloween and reminds me I love this time of year.