Lego 75084 Wookie Gunship is a set based on the Star Wars Series Rebels, it was released in 2015 and featured different Wookiees and the Jedi Kanan Jarrus, let alone the Gunship. It has 570 pieces with 4 Minifigures and has an RRP of £59.99.

We love Star Wars sets and actually, Rebels was a good series, it had potential and for star wars, fans was a good way to increase the Arc of characters in and around Starwars, this set was a rare look at Wookiees, in films or series they haven’t had much focus, in Clone wars Series it was probably the most looked at. So for us, this was a set that I was keen to add too, and it is very different from the rest.
Table of Contents
Kanan Jarrus
So this version is an earlier one of him, (based on what happens) he has printing from a previous set but he still looks like him, and if you didn’t get the other one its good to have it, though as ever it would have been nice to have some difference, he has a lightsabre also.

This is one of the exclusive pieces and it’s great to have him in it, the printing and design is an excellent addition to the modern-day Wookies, his design is more of an older Wookiee and the colours are great.

The other two Wookiees are again exclusive to the set, they have prints or arm and legs with the colour and legs more like the traditional Chewbacca like Wookiee, just a slightly lighter brown, they have Guns and Crossbows as accessories to accompany them all.
There is a Gattling gun and Storage chest that can be removed and played with separately, these are good however the gunship is of reasonable size, I would have prefered slightly bigger as everything is a little snug, the cargo area is not really a playable area, you cant get the figures in, however, the middle is fine but again it is a snug fit, the cockpit is also very simar and struggles to close with a Minifigure in, its a shame but you can kind of make it work with play value.

As you step back the pure design is great to look at, whether it’s super close to the original design is up for debate but I still really like it, the main body is built with a Technic frame as per usual nowadays but the curved light brown. sand colour comes and gives it a roundish look, the wings angle up with multi stud launches, I really like the bird-like design, the front has made gun that doesn’t shoot but still looks fine.

For me, it’s a neat piece, and for others, I know its a little hit and miss, some like it some don’t but let’s be honest how many Wookiee themed vehicles are there? how many gunships? so a chance to have something different to the norm is worth it, let alone in Star Wars theme this is completely different to almost all other ships. The figure selection is ok with three exclusive wookiees, there’s no Chewbacca which for some would be the first thought or surprised that it’s not there, but for me I’m glad,
Chewey has been done countless times so to have other Wookies is great, Kanan is kind of throw away as its essentially the same as before, but the ship for me is good, the price is ok and even done the road the resell value is still ok, I don’t think this one is for the masses but its still an ok set to have.