As parents planning a day out with the kids can be vital, whether it’s a trip to the seaside, a theme park, a big city, or indoor or outdoor activities, having the mindset of getting prepared can make that day easier. However, what are good things to prepare? what would you have in your bag? Here are some of the things we look to plan for when planning a day out with the children.

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Things to consider when prepping for a family day out
Nowadays having 3 kids at different ages means that a variety of different things have been needed over the years, and if you have a baby then the list below will slightly change, pre-done bottles, breastfeeding, certain food types, allergies etc… can, of course, influence it.
Having a pushchair could be great on a day out, knowing your limitations physically and financially can be good, but knowing where you’re going first is crucial and ensuring you have done a little prep in location will influence all the below.
Medicine and Pain Relief
It probably goes without saying that doing any kind of day out with the children means that a first aid kit is packed within your car or bag etc. However, as we get older we can all suffer from different pains and issues, so the use of pain relief creams, medicines, tablets etc can be essential for our day, so planning our day we would need to think about what we would need to bring in our bag.
If you are like Boo and I and getting a little bit older now, or someone that has suffered an injury or suffers from pains etc that pain relief cream would be high on the list, especially if you’re having a physical day. As for the heads having paracetamol or ibuprofen would also be something to consider.
As I alluded to if you’re attending something like theme parks or cities and walking a little distance, a pushchair/ pram etc can be a great as well as an annoyance, we found over the years it was far easier to load it up with all the stuff we need for the day. Having a backpack, the bag wasn’t such a big thing, maybe just a small one to hold purses phones etc… However! they can be annoying, many trips and adventures have been a little annoying and hindering because of having one, queues for lifts, limited stairs and escalators, and limited space it just all can be frustrating.
But having a bag can be great, but it can be heavy, you may take more than one to spread the weight over a couple of adults, its also something to worry about from security, both for you and all the security checks around now, but ultimately choosing the right bag Is essential, we now use a backpack that can be carried easier than others, plus a small bag for Boo.

Food and Drinks
For us wherever we go we take drinks, each child has a drinks bottle, then both Boo and I have at least one to two drinks etc, a portable Squash concentrated liquid that’s available in shops can help especially if you have fussy kids. Water is generally available in most places but others can build to be expensive, for me I take a travel coffee on the journey to save me some coffee money, however depending on where you’re going some research for what’s available could save you space in your own bag, and weight. Food is exactly the same, researching before you go, is vital.
We tend to pack a lunch for each of the kids while some basic snacks for the adults can keep us going. Depending on where you are going and the length of the day, you may be home for dinner/tea and the same for having a good breakfast before you go, however, like the drinks the research might help, having coupons/vouchers for certain places may also influence your food plan.
Sat Nav and Maps
We are BIG Sat Nav fans, we have driven a lot around this country, and have had Satnavs for many many years, from Tom Toms to apps on phones now, we don’t go anywhere without them, they influence your days travel and can help plan services, extra stops or just the quickest route, when driving a long way the paid Sat Nav options with Traffic data can be useful, free ones are fine but they’re not always the quickest or most accurate and don’t always offer the best option.
But if you’re on a budget then Google Maps and Apple version is fine. If you’re using old-school maps? then utilise your phone, if not prep the day before your journey, Trains should already be prepped as you bought tickets etc…

Clothes? yes… as a parent you already know the day will be tough guessing what the weather will do, what the children should wear on your day out? do you take coats? hats? suncream? jumpers? how do you deal with rain? or water from a theme park? all options to throw in, do you take some spare in the car? do you leave coats in the car… so many options you’ll never be completely right, competing with all that, then what the child wants to wear, then what you think looks nice or appropriate it can be tough.
I wouldn’t worry about it if your taking a car, hoodies and coats default to be at least in the car, hats and gloves for winter can also be good, most parents will have thought about it the day or night before, lay it all out the night before is a great prep idea, having older teenagers you would hope they can choose…. with your influence.
Prepping your day out
There are more to consider, and based on the size of the family, the age, these can all be tweaked, we have regular stuff that we use but that’s because we have done many outings and got to the point of building what works for us, and the same for you, you will have stuff that works for you.