Geek Gear Best Ever Classic Mystery Box Review

Geek Gear sells a variety of Pop Culture items via their website, however, they are also known for their mystery boxes, which can often be themed to a particular brand or subject, as well as often being at random, the contents are often a mystery, thus the fun and enjoyment of it, they are often worth way more than the cost of the box, these can be a one-off payment or a subscription at a cheaper price. This one was £9.99 and was a special run of “best ever” boxes, in which items from the past at random could be in here.

We do enjoy a mystery box and have enjoyed a fair amount of the items we have had, we have had a couple of Geek Gear Mystery boxes, though focused around the Comic-con Editions, these have been ok and I’ve not to be wowed by them, these ones a little risky with it being potentially anything, but between the family, we enjoy most things in the world of Pop culture so hopefully we will get something ok out of it.

Geek Gear Best Ever Classic Mystery Box: What we received

The box is often a little boring and this was no different, the logo on the outside is the brand and sports Classic Geek Gear, some companies try to make a bigger thing of the box inside or out, but this is fine, the box isn’t the end-all, the inside did have little 3 and blue cut up cardboard that piglet found an amazing and has played with them lots.

T-Shirt (Tee)

First up was the T-Shirt (Tee), this in mystery boxes can often be the only thing you have a semi-input on, the ability to choose the size, the theme not so much, but the size we went for this time was Tigger size, to be honest, its normally him or me, the Tee was good in that it was a solid black with an Overwatch Loot crate on it, its simple design actually looks good and could be worn anytime and you wouldn’t be fussed.

Men In Black

The next item was an unusual one, but a pretty awesome one, The Men in black Noisy Cricket!, this is the small gun given to Agent J (Will Smith), it may be small but it packs a mighty punch, don’t get me wrong, it’s not an exact copy or a collectable but its still pretty good in design and had a bit more weight to it than I thought it would have, the kids watched MIB over the last year so are very familiar and enjoyed the films, I was very impressed by the item.

Iron Man

Next was a small original Iron-man helmet, this was the one that he leaves the cave with and looks metallic in finish, it was very surprising and I don’t necessarily think I know what it’s for, but as a huge Iron Man fans Tigger and me, we don’t mind. It would make a great addition to his collectable items.


Its been no secret that in our household with love Minecraft, I’ve played it since almost the beginning, and seen it evolve on different platforms through the years, but nowadays the kids play it a lot, and one of the few games that Roo and Tigger team up and play together in there creative designs so seeing these Toy Sword is fantastic, I normally see Axe’s in shops so it’s nice to see this.


A print is often used in Mystery boxes, and these can be really good in design with either cover of Films and TV, or a different take on them, same for games but this was a mushroom from Mario and included lots of Mario/Nintendo based items including Mushrooms to make up the design. Tigger is still massively into Nintendo and Mario products etc, so this is great and will add to his collection, and will no doubt will want this displayed.


Over the last couple of years, I’ve managed to get a couple of notebooks in some boxes, and often they are of a very good standard, this one is an A5 premium Notebook featuring Venom, I was massively impressed by the Venom Film, and was so happy when we finally got a decent rendition of venom, this book is no different its a good quality book and they are often very useful to have round the house, I use them often.

Geek Gear Best Ever Classic Mystery Box: What we thought

As I said right at the top this was only £9.99 and wasn’t really sure what I was expecting as the value, the randomness of the past and the quality of a couple of boxes I’ve had so far indicates that perhaps nothing special, but actually id argue its one of the best boxes I’ve had so far, I was so surprised by the range and quality of the items, for us everything fitted the style of pop culture items we like, and Tigger and I thoroughly enjoyed them, I actually bought a couple more and will do further mystery boxes so you can see the range of items available.

Win A Geek Gear Best Ever Classic Mystery Box

To help you discover the fun of opening a mystery box as well as seeing which collectables you might receive, I have a Geek Gear Best Ever Classic Mystery Box to giveaway.

PRIZE: Geek Gear Best Ever Classic Mystery Box

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