Roo the Performer

Roo is nearly 14, and over the years she’s been a performer and involved in many activities, she enjoys music and is currently all-in on the Tik Tok buzz that’s around. With her tastes, shes enjoys music and listens to things every day through her air-buds, in the variety of things she watches music and films/TV with musicals references are things that she enjoys, she will take any moment any opportunity to do some sort of performance, even just walking around the house.

Through the years

Through the years she’s always been involved in things, she does a host of clubs and activities, some sports, some school-based ones, and out school clubs, shes always liked being involved, as the years have gone on we kept her doing some sport etc but she has shone towards performances, she’s always been in school plays and shows, even if she’s just one of the background performers, she still wants to be involved.

Her high school life already has raised this yet further with being in two shows that they have done, because of the type of school its very serious in its performances with purpose-built staging area and equipment, the school, of course, does do a variety of classes and after school clubs that facilitate this and dancing based things.

She is a dance more than a singer, her voice isnt perhaps the greatest and she sometimes struggles to match pitch and tone etc, but as shes getting old shes learning, however her dancing has gone a long way, ever day she dances and is always learning new dances via youtube or Tik Tok,

I may not be a huge fan of these services and things that she looks at but she is a sensible girl and we have gone through a variety of rules and expectations with reguards to internet and social media, but with dancing she is always dancing, just walking round the house shes doing either a Tik Tok dance or a mini version of a dance she done.

Even sitting watching a film or TV can be tough for her if she watches musical etc shes up copying the dance, or singing or both, she enjoys these and will always watch these type shows, but as I said as some point she will get up and do a dance or sing, she cannot sit there.

We are Proud

With her though, I’m so proud of her, she is a smart girl, she may not have common sense at times but she listens to what we say, and we’ve always said to her that as long as her education is fine and her schoolwork is good and not effected, then she can do any of those extra activities and courses, which for the most she has been, shes gets a bit tired and with the lockdown.

It’s allowed her to have a bit of a break, though shes filled it with Tik Tok dancers, no doubt it will all resume soon, and she hopefully continues to what she likes, as long as it goes hand in hand with education, but she is my little performer.


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