Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 7+8

With Lockdown in full force I have been writing a diary of what’s been happening, our thoughts, what we’ve been doing etc as a way of looking back in years to come and thinking what it was like, how we got on etc. This is week 7 and 8 as I’ve have combined both weeks together this time, mainly because I’ve been busy but also because not a lot has been happening.


What’s been Happening in the Diary

Like I mentioned before its all gone a bit of the new norm, the days and weeks have just blended into one, I’ve been working lots still while the other shave been busy with school work and then playing on their devices, I had some low energy and motivation during the last couple of weeks which hasn’t helped, to add to my frustrations with the lockdown easing (ever so slightly) for many this has been seen as a LOCKDOWN IS OVER,

I know I have moaned before about peoples behaviour and if you haven’t been out much you may not be aware what people have been like, but wow the back end of last week saw people essentially ignoring the rules, the hot weather and this has caused people to just be out and about, I’ve seen so many kids all of a sudden, with and without there parents.

Boo has continued doing some work as it’s still relatively slow, hopefully, it will pick up again at some point, however, she still kept busy with the kids, housework, some painting (more on that to come) and heavily into reading on her Kindle.

As for the kiddies they have been keeping me going, they continue to play nicely with each other, Roo has been helpful around the house and painting, its interesting to see her grow up at the moment as this year feels like a progressive year for her even though she’s been limited with being at home, she still messaging her friends and has been playing games also with a couple of her friends etc.

When I have had some spare time I’ve also been doing a little gaming with my fiends, this is the only way nowadays that I can stay in touch with them, which is fine as I do enjoy it to chill out, I don’t get as much as time as I use to, whereas all of them at the moment are at home playing constantly, which can be a little annoying but hey ho.

Binging on TV

Like many others in the country we have been watching TV and again like many others, we watched Afterlife on Netflix , which was very good, surprisingly we don’t get much chance to sit and watch TV together so we do try to make the time, however once or twice a week we will all do a film night, these have been crucial over the last few months, watching a film at the cinema is one of my favourite things and this is the closest thing i can get to.


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